Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Homework... bleh

So, I should be doing homework right now, but I'm not. Because I'm too busy posted an unnecessary blog on not doing homework. Yep. Jeepers, I hate geometry. Government is okay. But, not my area of expert-ese (sp? w/e) Anyways, I suck at Geometry. Actually, I've always sucked at math. And I have always bullshit may way through math. Last year, it didn't work. So, during the middle I actually started paying attention and regretted that I didn't pay attention in the beginning. Now, I'm taking it over. STILL don't understand. It's my second year taking it. It's the end of the year, and I still suck at it. Now, there telling me it's okay if I don't graduate this year (BECAUSE OF GEOMETRY) I can take it over the summer and get my diploma then. Hello, IDIOTS OF VIRGINIA SCHOOLS, if I didn't pass the first two times, how the HELL am I gonna learn it in three weeks... for the third time... over the DISTRACTING summer. This blows.....

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