This is vi. See Vi. Vi is zombie. So was I, but she already shot me dead. After I bit her of course. Now, she is going to eat the photographer. Eat, Vi. Eat!
I am a "hip" human being. But also very Geeky, for I enjoy Star Trek and Harry Potter. I am not saying there is anything wrong with that, only that I, Roxy, have a strange obsession with Data and Snape. (0.o)! I am also in love with Batman. I guess you can say I am a big kid. Which I guess is good since I work with kids. It's pretty cool. Kids like me. I like them. I enjoy my job. Who doesn't want a job where they can talk about cartoons all day? Or have a Debate about who can defeat Superman first? Batman or Power rangers? I kindof look at this job also as a lesson, so when I get my own kids I'll be able to handle it with experience.
NOM NOM NOM to you to, darlin' ;)
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